What is Novelty?
To me, Novelty is freshness, originality. According to wordnetweb website, Novelty is "freshness: originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel".
What is the definition for Creativity?
From wordnetweb.com , creativity is the ability to create.
Innovation is "invention: a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation" (http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=innovation)
And what is Invention??
A creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation
From the word itself, we know all these thing have a connection with our ability to think creative.
From the past, we know that there were many person who think something unique and useful to our life.
As an example. Humphry Davy. You can google him up. Or click this link if you want to know the full plot of his life.
Humpry Davy is a man who invented the 1st light bulb. His creative idea made people nowadays live more comfortly isnt it? This man is a really great man. His creative idea, made himself to think a new fresh idea and then invent a light bulb, that lighted up all the houses in this modern era.
From here you can see, being creative is not only about art. It is about our life itself. Try to being creative in all way of our life.
But becareful, as what our lecturer said in class, people sometimes misunderstood creativity with innovation.
But then, we know, that creativity fall into four part, that is :
- Aesthetic Organizers.
- Boundary Pushers — those who take an existing idea and push it a little further.
- Inventors — those who take existing knowledge and create new ideas — the Edisons of this world.
- The rarest group: Boundary Breakers — the Leonardos and the Copernicuses.
( A paraphrasing of Elliot Eisner (1933-), American art educator)
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