Friday, July 2, 2010

When we talk about being creative when invent something, I remember a documentary, I watched when I still in highschool. It is about a group of designers, sailor who want to invents a boat, or yacht.

All of them try to create a new looking yacht that will function better than the yacht that already exist in this world. They try to create something new, fresh, anti-pollution, and even create a new land for us(they said, maybe someday the land will be crowded with human, so wee ned new land, that is the yacth itself)

Below, I share some pictures and stories about the future yatch invent from our designers and inventors. Who always think creative to create something new and fresh.

This is The Wallypower 118 Super Yacht. And its already official sail on the water. This one is designed to satisfy the sailors, who always want a luxority yacht, with latest technology and powerfull engine. (source)
This is EarthRace Biodiesel Powerboat. This boat t is powered by the sun and eco-friendly biodiesel. (source)

This one is The Sea Shadow Stealth Warship. Created for military purpose. he Sea Shadow Stealth Warship is invisible to most radar systems of the 20th century, which is what made it a Navy secret until recently. (source)
This is The Oasis of the Seas Cruise Ship. The world’s largest cruise ship– you’re looking at it. While below it, the image of the Oasis of the Seas.(source)

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